When a loved one passes on and you decide on Dallas cremation for them, you might be at a loss as to what you want to do for the next. The good part about cremation is that there are plenty of options—and you don’t have to choose just one. Perhaps, as you are mourning, you want to have a memorial service that feels more like a funeral. Then, as your grief moves forward, you want to go back and celebrate their life in a special way. Here are some tips to planning a celebration of life trip with your family members.
Choose A Special Location
If you want to have a trip with your family in honor of a loved one, the first thing you have to do is figure out where you are going to go. Was there somewhere on your loved one’s bucket list that they didn’t make it to visit? Was there a place they visited annually because they loved it so much? Did they go somewhere on their honeymoon and then never stop talking about it as life went on? Those types of places might be good locations for trips in their honor.
Decide The Mode Of Transportation
Consider your family and what would be easiest for them travel-wise. If they are spread out around the country, everyone could fly into the location and stay together at the same hotel. If you are having only a small group, you could even rent a house or cabin to stay closer together and have more time as a unit. If your family all has campers, arrange for everyone to camp together at the location and enjoy evenings around the campfire sharing stories. You could also all drive to a special place and get lodging from there.
Figure Out Who To Invite
You probably won’t want to open the trip to anyone and everyone. You will invite your closest family members and how far you go from there with the invitations is up to you. The more people you invite, the more complicated the plans can get, but you will want to do what you think your loved one would appreciate the most.
Think About Taking Them
Since your loved one was cremated, it’s possible to take them along on the trip. Perhaps you want to scatter some or all of their ashes in that location or, just have them there so you can say they got to go on that trip with your family. As you share stories about them, it might be nice to have them around in their urn, watching over all of you.
If you are thinking about a family trip to celebrate and honor a loved one after Dallas cremation, the professionals at Hughes Family Tribute Center can help you think through the ideas and options. We know the regulations of traveling with a loved one’s remains, as well, and can help you with those details if you need us.