Monthly Archives: November 2019

cremation services in Plano, TX

The Post-Cremation Service Options

When you are planning cremation services in Plano, TX, you might already know you have a variety of options available to you. Many people choose cremation because of those options. They know they don’t have to put a timeline on their services because once the cremation is complete, the services afterwards can happen at any time. Plus, there are plenty of service options available.

If a loved one has passed on, you can have a memorial service for them after their cremation that feels much like a funeral service. It can contain many of the same traditions and can feel somber. But that’s not always the right answer for every family. There are also options for services that are more celebratory in nature.

It might sound strange to ‘celebrate’ after a person has passed away, but you certainly aren’t celebrating their passing, but rather the good life they lived. Think back on the things your loved one accomplished. They may have had a wonderful family, a vivid career, a volunteering background, and so much more going on in their lifetime. That’s a life well-lived and it’s one worth celebrating.

Perhaps your loved one wasn’t one who wanted a big fuss over them or maybe they even said to someone at some point that they didn’t want people crying over them when they were gone. Having a celebration of life doesn’t mean there won’t be tears, but there will also be laughter, smiles, and shared memories.

Celebrations of life can take many forms. You can have a service in a funeral home where you can customize things in any way you’d like. Some families like to allow everyone a chance to speak and share memories while others just want people to gather and talk with one another. You could also do something like have a picnic in a park, visit a theme park your loved one adored, go to their favorite classic film, or just have a family dinner with all of their favorites. There’s no right or wrong way to celebrate a life. It all depends on their personality and your family’s preferences and needs.

If you are looking into options for celebrations of life, or if you aren’t sure that’s what you want to do yet, it’s fine to check out details and ask questions. Once the cremation services in Plano, TX, are complete, you have time on your side. You can plan something for any time you’d like to have it, whether that’s right away or a few weeks or months into the future. You are welcome to contact the professionals at Hughes Family Tribute Center, located at 9700 Webb Chapel Rd Dallas, TX 75220 for information about celebration of life services. We’re happy to tell you about some of the things we’ve organized in the past so you can gather ideas for your own purposes. Give us a call to talk things over at (214) 350-9951 and we’ll set you up with a time to talk to us in person, if you’d like.


funeral homes in Plano, TX

Can Life Celebrations Help With Mourning?

When someone in your life passes on, it’s a big deal. You have to go through the grieving process however you see fit. And there’s no one pattern to follow. Grief is different for every individual. A lot of it will depend on the relationship you had with the person and your own personality and how you deal with hardships. When you are working with funeral homes in Plano, TX, it’s important to think about the type of service your loved one would have wanted. If you’re convinced they would have enjoyed a celebration of life, you might want to move forward in that direction. But can that type of service help with your mourning process? It absolutely can. Here are a few details.

When you lose a loved one, of course there are going to be times when you are sad and want to cry. You might want to be alone with your emotions or you might want a friend or family members nearby to give you a shoulder to cry on. But there are also times you might smile and laugh over memories regarding your loved one and that’s a healthy thing to do as well. If you would rather mourn in private, celebrating your loved one’s life with your family is a great avenue to get those smiles and laughs together in the same place.

After someone special passes on, you want to do what you can to honor their memory. It’s a big part of getting closure and moving on. While some people enjoy the traditions that come along with regular funerals, celebrations of life are a wonderful way to honor someone in a unique manner. After you have a celebration of life and infuse your loved one’s spirit into every part of it, you will know they were well honored and that can truly help you move forward.

No one wants to be remembered for their death. Your loved one would likely much rather want you to think of them in the best times in their life. You can do that through the celebration of life. Look at pictures, watch videos, listen to music they adored, and take part in activities that brought them joy. All of that can help you remember that while your loved one has passed, you can keep their memory alive at its best.

There are plenty of funeral homes in Plano, TX that can help you organize cremation services, traditional funerals, and everything in between. At Hughes Family Tribute Center, we want to help you honor your loved one in the way you see fit. If that means a celebration of life, we’d love to help. We’re specialists with this type of service. We’re located at 9700 Webb Chapel Rd Dallas, TX 75220 and we’d love to show you around and brainstorm ideas with you. You can also call us at (214) 350-9951 to ask questions and get details. Our service information is online as well at

cremation services in Irving, TX

Planning Your Own Celebratory Cremation Service

When you are thinking about planning cremation services in Irving, TX it can be hard to figure out what you want for your own plans, but it’s important to look ahead for the sake of your family. You may have been in the position before of planning services for someone who passed away and not really knowing what they wanted to have happen. You don’t want that for your family so you start the process of planning. It may not be easy to think about your own mortality, but there are advantages to looking ahead. Here are some things to do when you plan your own cremation services in a positive manner.

If you have decided you want a celebration of life, it’s really a nice way to show your family the way you want to be remembered—for your life and not for your death. Memorial services often have a somber tone to them and if you would rather people enjoy happy memories and celebrate the way you lived your life, you can plan services in that manner.

Think about things that are important to you in your life and try to infuse those into the service. Is there a certain kind of music or even a particular band that you enjoy? You could even have family attend a sporting event in your honor or have a barbeque with something you love on the grill. The options are limitless as to what you can do.

Location is important to consider for a celebration of life. If you want an easily accessible location with a good amount of space, working with the funeral home is a great idea. They always have room available and you can have whatever type of service you want. Planning in advance reserves the space for your family, whenever they happen to need it.

If you want your loved ones to have certain memories as they think of you, it’s nice to choose pictures or yourself that you particularly enjoy. You can look through albums and put together a scrapbook of family vacations, reunions and other special events. Just add to that book as time goes by and your family will have something special to look through at your services.

It’s not every day you go about planning your own cremation services in Irving, TX and it’s not an easy task. When you are ready to figure things out, one step at a time, work with the professionals at Hughes Family Tribute Center. We’re here to help you every step of the way and offer suggestions as to what you might want to consider. Visit with us in person at 9700 Webb Chapel Rd Dallas, TX 75220 and we can walk you around our facilities and start brainstorming with you. We’re happy to hold onto your plans so whenever your family needs them, they’re ready. You can call us with questions at (214) 350-9951 or visit our website for more details on our services at


funeral homes in Irving, TX

Running A Celebration Of Life With A Funeral Home

Most funeral homes in Irving, TX have put together a variety of different services for individuals who have passed away. Yes, the standard service is a traditional funeral, but many funeral homes do cremation services today as well. The alternative to the more somber-like services are celebrations of life. If you’d like to celebrate a loved one’s life well-lived instead of dwell on their death, use these tips to run a celebration of life service alongside the funeral home.

Tip 1: Make Your Intentions Clear

When you speak to the funeral home representatives after your loved one passes away, it’s important to voice what you want and make your intentions about the service as clear as possible. When they know your preferences, they can suggest certain things to enhance the services you want and avoid things they know won’t fit your plans. Plus, when you are upfront about your intentions to have a celebration of life, if the funeral home doesn’t provide such services, you find out right away and can move along to another provider.

Tip 2: Determine The Space

Funeral homes often have great locations that are convenient for services of any kind. When you are planning a celebration of life, you will especially want to check out the space available so you can accentuate what you want from the service within that space. Funeral home spaces are generally well lit and nicely decorated. But for your loved one’s services, maybe you want to bring in certain decorations, Christmas lights, or colorful paintings to make the space customized to your liking.

Tip 3: Get Ideas From The Experts

It can feel hard to put together a celebration of life if you’ve only ever planned memorial services and funerals before or, if you haven’t planned final services at all. When you work with a funeral home that has such services on a regular basis, go to them for ideas, inspiration, and even brainstorming sessions. They can tell you what other families have done in the past to personalize their celebrations and they can also get to know your family and offer customized ideas for your specific needs.

When you are working on a celebration of life for a loved one, you will need help from funeral homes in Irving, TX. The professionals at Hughes Family Tribute Center can help you with any type of final service you want to have, but we specialize in celebrations of life. It’s a special type of service that can really highlight the unique joys of a person’s life, even after they are gone. You can visit us at 9700 Webb Chapel Rd Dallas, TX 75220, take a tour of our facilities, and talk to us in person about what you’d like to have happen. You can also call us at (214) 350-9951 and ask questions or set up a time to speak with us further about your needs. Look into service details on our website at