Monthly Archives: July 2022

funeral homes in Dallas, TX

Funeral Homes Help With The Grieving Process

Grief can be all-encompassing and it can feel as if there is no end in sight. While you can’t put a date on the calendar as to when you are going to start feeling better, you can take the help you can get with the process. The professionals at funeral homes in Dallas, TX work with final services on a daily basis, therefore, they are around grief-stricken people on a regular basis. They know a lot about grief and they can help you with your own grieving process. Here are a few things they can do.

Care For Your Loved One

While your grief might be immediate, your first concern will also likely be for your loved one. You want them to be in good hands and you want them to get the care they need. You are going to want to choose a funeral home that will meet their needs in a respectful manner. Once you have your loved one in hands you trust, that can help you to feel good about the process ahead of you, in a way. When you care for them, while you are still going to be grieving, you have peace of mind that your loved one has what they need. That step can help you to move forward, even if just a little bit.

Address Your Needs

The funeral home is going to ensure that your loved one has everything they need. When someone passes on, there are certain needs that have to be addressed. The funeral home will make sure they are. However, you will want to think about your own needs as well. You might feel like you already have closure, but perhaps you want to honor your loved one with a memorial service of some kind in order to move forward. Think about what you need for your won grieving process and address that with the funeral home. They will ask questions of you to help you to reach conclusions that can help you make plans.

Allow The Funeral Home’s Help

The funeral home professionals are not going to make decisions for you, but they are going to help you in making decisions because they have information available and can answer your questions until you feel right about the direction you are taking. Once you make choices, it’s wise to step back and let the funeral home implement them for you. They are professionals and they know what they are doing. They can take the pressure off of you and ensure that things are carried out just right.

Utilize Grief Resources

The professionals are in touch with a variety of grief counselors, support groups, and other such things in the area. You can access those whenever you want during the planning process. Just ask the funeral homes in Dallas, TX what they recommend or ask for resources in certain areas and you can get the help you need to move forward with the process of grieving in a healthy manner.

cremation services in dallas, TX

Celebration Of Life Ideas For After Cremation Services

Once you go through losing a loved one, you know there’s nothing easy about planning final services. Cremation services in Dallas, TX, when done in a direct manner, can be simple and straightforward. You need your loved one’s needs and you are able to plan their memorial service and figure out their final resting place whenever you are ready in the future. While having a traditional memorial can feel like the right thing to do for some families, others want to have something that is more casual, light-hearted, and celebratory in nature. When you are ready to move forward, here are some ideas for life celebration services.

Release Something

You might want to showcase something beautiful at your loved one’s service and releasing something into the air can signify letting them go in a way that is quite lovely. You could order butterflies to release, you could release lanterns, balloons, or even doves. It can be cathartic to actually let things go and it can be a lovely way to celebrate your loved one, too.

Plant And Dedicate A Tree

You don’t have to do anything major for a service, but it can feel good to honor your loved one. Plant a tree in their honor, for example, and then use the service to dedicate it to them. You can share stories about them around the tree and then everyone can appreciate that tree as it grows. New life is coming from your loved one’s dedication and that can be a lovely symbolic thing.

Highlight Music

Music can bring up all sorts of emotions and memories and if you use the right style, it can feel quite celebratory in nature. Choose bright music, have someone sing, ask a guitarist in the family to play, and perhaps even dance a little as you remember your loved one. Choosing the right music for the background of the day can make all the difference in how the service feels.

Share Positive Stories

During the life celebration, one thing you can do to honor your loved one is to share memories about them. Keep the stories light-hearted, positive, and even funny. You can talk about how your loved one burned noodles and started a small kitchen fire, how they were afraid of geese, and other silly things that happened in their lifetime. Keep the stories positive and light and that will help to keep the celebration going.

Plan An Activitycremation services in dallas, TX

Some life celebrations revolve around some kind of activity. If your loved one adored golf, you might arrange a golf tournament with family members. If they were dog lovers, have everyone volunteer at the local shelter, walking dogs and playing with other pets. You could even just meet at a family home and play yard games for the afternoon.

If you are planning cremation services in Dallas, TX for a loved one, concentrate on their needs first and then, you can plan the life celebration memorial service for them. The professionals can help with ideas and options.

Dallas funeral homes

Working Out The Details On Memorial Donations In Dallas Funeral Homes

People want to reach out to others when they lose someone special. It’s human nature to have compassion for those who are going through a hard time. When you are planning final services for a loved one, you may not know how to go about doing certain things, but the professionals at Dallas funeral homes do. When you are working on details for a loved one’s memorial donations, the experts can help with the details.

Details On Memorial Donations

Memorial donations will come to you through cash and checks that people will send to your family in honor of your loved one. If you designate a certain charity, people who know your family can also send donations directly to that charity, if they want to. Memorial donations are often donated to the deceased’s church, a charity they regularly donated to, somewhere they volunteered, or even a charity that researches the disease they had. The options are limitless.

Making Memorial Donations

If you want to reach out to a family that has lost someone special to them, memorial donations are a nice gesture to make. You might want to send cash or a check to the family and let them know you would like for them to honor their loved one in whatever way they see fit. If you know they want donations sent to a certain charity, you can send it directly there in their loved one’s name and then let them know what you did in a sympathy card. If you don’t know where they want money sent, you can choose a charity yourself, if you’d like.

Where To Donate Memorial Money That Comes In

When you receive memorial funds for a loved one, you might wonder where you are going to send the money. There’s a variety of things you can do with that money. You can donate it to a charity they appreciated, or you can spread it out over a few different charities. You can also use the money to set up some kind of a permanent memorial for your loved one. You can buy a tree and have it planted, you can get a memorial brick engraved and placed, or just about anything else you can think of. The memorial money can be used in whatever way you see fit for that special person.

There are lots of things you will want to think about around the services you are going to have for a loved one. If you are having a life celebration for them, you will likely have a nice time remembering their life well lived. You will also likely have a lot of money coming in to memorialize your loved one. If you need the money for the services you want to have for them at Dallas funeral homes, cover those needs first. After that, the professionals can help you with memorial funds and what you want to do to highlight who your loved one was during their lifetime.

Dallas cremation services

Celebratory Containers Remains After Cremation Services

Life celebrations are a nice way to honor someone’s life well lived after they have Dallas cremation services. It’s a form of memorial service that allows you to celebrate their life instead of mourn the sadness of their death. You will still mourn, but the purpose of the service is to celebrate what a good life they had. In order to go through that type of service, you might want to choose a container for their remains that is more celebratory in appearance. Here are some things to consider for that option.

A Brightly Colored Urn

Urns can be anything you want them to be and they are always very nice. However, at a life celebration, you might want to have something nice and bright for guests to see and enjoy. If your loved one liked the color red, get a bright red urn to showcase that part of their personality. If they adored animals, get an urn that has the picture of their favorite animal on it. There are lots of bright colors you can get in urn materials and that can highlight the happiness you are trying to convey at the celebration of life.

Cookie Jars

There are just as many options of cookie jars as there are urns. If your loved one liked a certain character, like Mickey Mouse, you can find a cookie jar that features that character. You can place their remains inside the cookie jar and use it as their container. It can be a celebratory item to have at the life celebration for people to focus on and remember that special thing that your loved one adored.

Tackle Boxes

If your loved one was an avid fisherman, it just makes sense to keep them in the tackle box they used all those years. Remove the bait and save those for family, but use the tackle box as a resting place as you know your loved one would appreciate.

A Decorative Simple Container

The cremation provider will give you a simple container for your loved one’s remains with any package you get with them, but you can upgrade to a decorative simple container, if you want. The simple containers are little more than a cardboard box, but you could get a box with an angel on it, a cross, or something else. You can also have family members write messages on the box to make it that much more special.

Their Favorite BookDallas cremation services

If your loved one was a bookworm, you might feel they would be the most comfortable inside their favorite book. You can have a book hollowed out and their ashes placed inside. Display that book at their life celebration and it can showcase that part of their life and something they loved at the same time.

Working on Dallas cremation services when you want to have a celebration of life can take some thought to make things special. Even the container you use for their service can be light-hearted and celebratory in nature, if you so choose.