When you work with funeral homes in Dallas, TX on final services, and you decide to go with a traditional burial and funeral, you might grieve your loved one’s death and feel like the future is a bit foggy without them in it with you. However, there are still reasons to celebrate that person as well and celebrating their life and all of the things they did while they were with you can help you to have hope for the future. You can have a celebration of life for them to go over fond memories and good times. This is something that can happen as a part of the funeral, or as a separate service later. You can also celebrate your loved one’s life through decorations on their grave. Here are a few things to consider.
Decorate On Birthdays
Your loved one’s birthday is a date you are never going to let slip by without noticing. It might be a harder day because they are no longer here to celebrate with you. You will think of it in terms of they would have been a certain age had they still been alive. One thing you can do to celebrate the day is to take something to their grave to decorate. You might take some flowers that they adored, some candles with a certain number on them that you can place near their headstone, a birthday hat, or other such things. This might become a new ritual for you and a way to celebrate your loved one in a unique way.
Take Something On The Anniversary
Another day you are always going to remember, whether you mark the calendar or not, is the day your loved one died. It can feel like a good move for your own grieving process to visit their grave on that day and you might want to take something to decorate the grave so everyone who walks through will know your loved one was well cared for, and still is. You can place fresh flowers, a wreath, a new family photo, or any number of other things to show your loved one you still care.
Go With The Seasonal Items
You may be one to decorate your home with different seasons and you can also take something to your loved one’s grave around those times. When you get the pumpkins and harvest items out, take a few things to the grave to make it fit in with the fall. When Thanksgiving comes around, take a paper turkey to set on top of the headstone and so on. The seasonal decorations can help you to involve your loved one’s grave in with your decorating rituals.
Keep Cemetery Rules In Mind
You are going to want to know what the cemetery that houses your loved one’s remains has in place in terms of rules for decorations. Funeral homes in Dallas, TX can help you understand the regulations and figure out what is fitting. Contact Hughes Family Tribute Center any time.