When you are in charge of planning a loved one’s final services, it can be hard to figure out what you want to do for that individual. You want to do whatever they would appreciate the most, but you may have a budget you need to satisfy as well. One of the nice things about working with reputable professionals is that no matter what direction you take, whether you go with a funeral or Dallas cremation, you are honoring your loved one. Both choices are completely respectable and can take care of your loved one’s needs. However, cremation services cost a lot less than funeral services. You can also have life celebrations for a smaller cost than you could have a funeral or traditional memorial service.
No Casket Needed For A Cremation
Even the least expensive caskets are going to have a cost to them. When you have a funeral, you need a casket. But if you have a budget in mind, you may not be able to afford everything you need for your loved one with a funeral service. With cremation, you can cut a lot of the services and even some of the products out of the process. You don’t need a casket and taking that out of the picture takes away some of the costs that are included with a funeral.
No Costly Venue Needed For A Life Celebration
While you can have a celebration of life anywhere you want, including in a family church or community center, you also don’t have to spend anything at all on the venue for this type of service. You can have something outside, something in a family home, or in other places that are completely free. Taking the venue cost out of the process can help you to keep on track with a budget as well.
No Burial Plot Necessary For Cremation
When you have cremation done, one of the bigger costs that you can cut out is the burial plot that you don’t have to have. You can bury a cremated loved one, but you certainly don’t have to. There are a lot of other options that don’t have any costs to them. You can scatter ashes for free or even keep them in your family home. Taking the burial plot costs out of the equation reduces the price a great deal.
Celebration Of Life Services Are More Casual
Funeral and even traditional memorial services are usually more somber and have certain things included in them. You might have to pay for a venue, flowers for the decoration, bulletins, a person to preside over the service, and so on. Those costs add up quickly and can become more than you were hoping to spend before you know it. With a life celebration, you can keep things casual. You don’t have to have decorations at all or you can use nature if you have an outdoor service. Have everyone bring a dish of food so you don’t have to pay for a meal and so on. The casual feel of the celebration of life is often less costly as well.
If you want to plan a celebration of life after a Dallas cremation, contact Hughes Family Tribute Center.