When you hear that a close friend of yours, who happens to live far away, has lost a loved one, there are lots of things you can do from them even from a distance. Find out what they are doing for their loved one with the funeral homes in Dallas, TX and customize something you can do from where you are for that friend and move forward with that choice. Here are a few options to consider.
Virtually Attend The Celebration Of Life
If your friend is having a cremation service for their loved one, you may not be able to be there in person for that event, but you can attend in a virtual manner. Set up a video call with another friend that you know will be there and have them pass you off to your grieving friend. The thought you put into attending will touch them and they will be happy to see/hear from you.
Donate To A Special Non-Profit
There might be a non-profit organization that is special to your friend, or to their loved one. You can make a donation in that person’s honor and let your friend know what you have done. They will be touched that you thought of them and that you reached out to their family to show your respects to their loved one.
Send A Card With Your Thoughts
Even if all you do is send a card to your friend, it can help to show them your thoughts and condolences. It’s a very nice gesture that will allow you to get your sympathies out there, no matter how far away you might be.
Order Deliveries
You can have almost anything delivered today and you can figure out what would work well for your friend and their situation. You might have a meal delivered from their favorite restaurant, grocery basics from the store, gift cards, flowers, or any number of other things. The idea is to support them and perhaps even make them smile as they think of you as well as of their loved one.
Plan A Visit Soon
Even if you can’t attend the life celebration and be there for your friend right away, planning a trip to visit them next month or another time soon can help them to remember what you mean to them and that you are doing everything you can to support them in the meantime. That visit will give them something to look forward to and planning it with you can help them to find a new sense of normal as they move into the future.
It’s hard to hear that a friend is going through a hard time, especially when you are far away and don’t feel like you can support them in person. There are lots of things you can do around the life celebration they are planning with the professionals at funeral homes in Dallas, TX. If you have other options in mind, they can be even better, or you can talk to the experts for other options.