A celebration of life is a ceremony held either after or in place of a traditional funeral service. Those families who organize a stand-alone celebration of life typically arrange a direct cremation for their loved one beforehand. A celebration of life can be as customized as desired and is typically not a solemn occasion. A celebration of life focuses on the deceased’s personality, the happiness they brought to others, and the life they lived, rather than on grief and the sadness of saying goodbye. We at Dallas, TX cremation services, we’ve seen a lot of people choosing celebration of life with direct cremations, and fortunately we provide an option like that for you.
In addition, some families choose direct cremation rather than a traditional funeral. A direct cremation occurs without a service or procession beforehand and in the absence of mourners. A direct cremation allows you to commemorate the life of your loved one at a time and location of your choosing; many opt to have their loved one’s ashes present at the ceremony. A celebration of life is not typically held in a crematorium or church, unlike a funeral service. A celebration of life may be conducted days, weeks, or even months following the death of a loved one. Many families prefer the flexibility that a celebration of life provides over a traditional funeral service.
Now, how do you plan a celebration of life service with a direct cremation? These are the following things that you should consider:
Set A Date and Time
In contrast to a traditional funeral, a celebration of life might occur weeks, months, or even years following a loved one’s death. It may be meaningful to host the celebration of life on the deceased’s birthday or another significant occasion for your family. As soon as you have determined the date and time, you should inform those involved so they have adequate time to make travel arrangements.
Select A Location
Often, a celebration of life is held at a venue other than the church or crematorium where the burial or cremation occurred. You may have the celebration of life service at your home, the local community center, or the neighborhood pub. A celebration of life can be hosted practically anyplace, if there is sufficient space for the number of guests.
Choose Who will Lead the Service
A celebration of life is less formal than a funeral, but it is still a good idea to have someone lead over the event. A close friend or relative is often chosen to preside over a memorial service. You should probably ask someone who is comfortable with public speaking, because not everyone will be up for it.
Choose Who Would Like to Speak
Many families hold life celebration services that feature speeches just like funerals. If the ceremony were held in a less formal setting, attendees would have more time to express their condolences and memories.
We hope you found this blog post informative. As you can see, a memorial service can be as unique and personalized as wanted. For more information and queries about celebration of life planning, cremation or other things, feel free to contact or reach us at Dallas, TX cremation services.