What kind of services do funeral homes in Plano, TX provide? Well, all of them provide final services of some sort or another. They usually allow you to choose between traditional funeral services, complete with a visitation and burial, or cremation. If you go with cremation, there are lots of options for service styles. While some families feel the most comfortable with a memorial service that feels more like a funeral, there are others that prefer celebrations of life. Not everyone understands what celebrations of life really are and some have questions. Here are some of the things that funeral homes have heard in the past:
Why Would You Celebrate Someone’s Death?
It’s somewhat understandable that when you hear someone is having a ‘celebration’ after someone passes on that you would guess they are celebrating the person’s passing, but that’s not what’s going on at all. The family members are actually celebrating that person’s life. They are going over happy memories and joys the person led in their life and remembering them for the life well-lived they had. Are they happy they passed on? Of course not. But instead of dwelling on the sadness of the death, they remember the person in their prime and keep their happy life in the center of the celebration.
How Can People Mourn?
Everyone mourns and grieves in their own way and at their own pace. Some people need the somber traditions of a funeral to get closure and say a final goodbye. Others have said goodbye in their own ways and they are instead ready for something more festive to remember their loved one. Just because celebrations of life are meant to be more light-hearted doesn’t mean there won’t be tears as certain memories arise and the loss settles in. Those who attend a celebration of life might laugh and smile at the celebration and cry over the loss later. There’s no right or wrong way to mourn a loss.
Why Do People Choose A Celebration Of Life?
Celebrations of life are a great way to remember someone for all of the great memories they have left behind. Loved ones can share stories, quotes, pictures, and memories freely and smile and laugh together at the lovely person they all got the chance to know. People choose this avenue if they know their loved one didn’t want people gathering and crying over them or if they feel it’s the right way to go for their family members and their situation.
In the end, there’s no right or wrong way to remember a loved one. When you contact funeral homes in Plano, TX, you have plenty of choices of service styles. Celebrations of life are lovely ways to honor someone who passed on. If you’d like to consider that option, or you are ready to start planning, contact Hughes Family Tribute Center at (214) 350-9951 for details. You can also set up a time to meet with our funeral director at 9700 Webb Chapel Rd Dallas, TX 75220.