Cremation services in Dallas, TX are honorable and respectful and if that is what you choose for your loved one, that is a nice way to go. Cremation is used in about half of today’s cases and experts expect that number will only rise in the future. Another popular thing to do around cremation is to have a life celebration event. This kind of memorial service celebrates the good things of your loved one’s life well-lived instead of concentrating on the sadness of their death. While any cremation service is going to have a simple container included in the package, you might want to add an urn. If a life celebration memorial is what you are angling for, you may want an urn that fits that type of event. Here are some things to consider.
Something That Suits The Budget
When you have a cremation done for your loved one, you know what the cremation package costs upfront. That will include everything you have to have for the process and it’s nice to know the needs are met. However, if you are going to have a life celebration, there might be costs involved with that and the urn will cost extra as well. How much can you afford to spend on the urn? Figure out what your budget is, let the funeral home know, and stick to it so you don’t have to cut back on another area that is important to you. There are enough urns on the market that anyone can find what they like at a price they can afford.
Something Bright And Cheerful
Since the urn is something that will show at the life celebration, you want it to be bright and cheerful so you can celebrate your loved one’s life while you look at the urn. Consider a bright color or something with a picture or painting on it. You might want the urn to look cheerful to show everyone that your loved one’s life was a great thing.
Something That Shows Your Loved One’s Personality
Life celebration services are highly customized and unique. You want it to suit your loved one’s personality, and so should their urn. If you are having a certain theme for the celebration, for example, you might want to carry that theme out through the urn. You can get an urn that looks like a large painted baseball, or whatever else you have in mind to show your loved one’s style.
Something That Suits Other Functions
The urn’s appearance is important, but you are going to want to look into its functions as well. If you want to bury it, will that work? If you are keeping it at home, how will it look there? If you are scattering ashes, is it conducive to that? Those details are important as well.
When you plan out cremation services in Dallas, TX, and life celebrations, the professionals can also help you to get a fitting urn for your loved one.